Home Previous Issues Mental Health in Yemen The Impact of Work Environment on Employees’ Mental Health in Yemen

The Impact of Work Environment on Employees’ Mental Health in Yemen

Yasmine Abdulhafeez – Sawt Al-Amal (Voice of Hope)

Nuha Ahmad (pseudonym), a recent university graduate, embodies the story of a woman’s resilience and struggle. For 15 years, she has navigated life’s hardships and challenges to become the pillar of strength for her family of seven.

Nuha works in a private facility, dedicating her time and effort to providing a decent life for her family. Despite enduring long working hours that often stretch into double shifts, Nuha perseveres tirelessly, pushing through work-related difficulties and pressures.

However, the impact of Nuha’s work extends beyond her time commitment, taking a toll on her mental health. With limited rest and accumulating fatigue, she struggles to maintain her psychological well-being, negatively affecting her desire to continue working.  Despite these challenges, Nuha recognizes her responsibility towards her family and understands that her continued employment is the only way to secure a decent life for them.

Sharing her experience with Voice of Hope newspaper, Nuha recounts her journey of finding work and its impact on her mental health: “After graduating from university, my friend and I spent a long time searching for job opportunities. Fortunately, I found a job quickly, while my friend faced difficulties and had to wait several months. I believed that securing the job would bring happiness to me and my family, especially with the improvement in our financial situation. Indeed, our situation improved, but I soon felt my mental health deteriorating.”

She continues, “After only three weeks, I felt that continuing to work would mentally destroy me. After getting the job, my outings and shopping trips decreased, I missed gatherings with friends and family, and even watching television and spending time talking with my family became a burden.”

Nuha emphasizes that work pressures negatively impacted her personal life, leading her to question the value of work versus the loss of her mental well-being and social connections. She says, “I leave for work early and only come back for lunch, then return to work until nine in the evening. I no longer have time to talk to my family. I sleep as soon as I get back home, exhausted, so I can wake up early the next day. My life has become a race against time, and I can’t even take a day off for fear of losing my job, especially since employers prefer employees who don’t take days off.”

As a result of the accumulated work pressures, Nuha suffers from several psychological and physical symptoms, including constant distress, loss of interest in work, anxiety, lack of concentration, frequent forgetfulness, a desire to cry and isolate herself, physical fatigue and exhaustion, and a weakened immune system.

The Importance of Employees’ Mental Well-Being

Employees in Yemen, both men and women, face numerous challenges in the workplace, whether in the public or private sector. These challenges can negatively impact their mental health and productivity.

Psychologist Sakhr Taha emphasizes that employee well-being is the cornerstone of a positive work environment. It fosters creativity and teamwork while reducing tension and conflict. “When employees feel psychologically at ease, they are more focused, productive, and able to perform their tasks more efficiently,” he explains.

He further highlights that deteriorating mental health negatively impacts workplace productivity. When employees struggle with mental health issues like anxiety and depression, their ability to concentrate and focus suffers, leading to decreased productivity and increased absenteeism, ultimately disrupting workflow.

Psychologist Ramzi Zahir offers his perspective on the impact of mental health on employees and job performance, dividing it into two aspects: mental health within the work environment and overall mental health.

“The difference is like having a stable home life but a negative work environment that directly affects mental well-being,” he explains. “Some employees experience harassment from colleagues, leading to anxiety, stress, and difficulty concentrating. Others feel unappreciated by their managers, resulting in frustration and a lack of motivation.”

Zahir stresses the importance of employers prioritizing employee mental health, whether affected by work-related factors or personal life stressors. Both can negatively impact work performance and quality, especially in the absence of incentives or motivation for employees to engage with their work effectively.

Zahir also points out a concerning phenomenon known as “role ambiguity” or “lack of role clarity.” This occurs when employees are unclear about their specific responsibilities and the nature of their expected work. This ambiguity can create negative psychological effects. Examples include repetitive tasks that lead to boredom and fail to challenge employees intellectually or assigning tasks outside of their expertise or field.

The Role of Leaders and Managers

Psychologist Salih Bashamkha warns of a worsening mental health crisis amidst declining living conditions in Yemen. He emphasizes the crucial role of leaders and management in supporting their employees and bolstering their psychological resilience in the face of these hardships.

Speaking to Voice of Hope newspaper, he stresses the importance of addressing employees’ psychological needs and providing them with the necessary support to cope with increasing work pressures. Bashamkha advocates for programs that develop stress management skills, enhance emotional intelligence, and improve quality of life, calling them essential tools for promoting employee mental well-being. Such initiatives contribute to a positive work environment that enhances productivity and job satisfaction.

The Importance of Work-Life Balance

Psychologist Iman Al-Buraihi underscores the significance of work-life balance in maintaining mental health and productivity. She warns that an imbalance can lead to burnout, exhaustion, and overall deterioration of mental well-being.

Al-Buraihi outlines the benefits of achieving a work-life balance including preserving mental health by allowing individuals to relax and enjoy their time outside work, which reduces stress and anxiety levels.

Strengthening personal relationships: Having sufficient time for family and friends fosters stronger personal and social connections, positively impacting mental health. She continues: boosting productivity as well. Work-life balance can lead to increased productivity as employees feel more focused, creative, and energized due to a sense of well-being and equilibrium.

Procedures and Policies

Al-Buraihi suggests several measures and policies that workplaces can adopt to promote employee mental health:

1. Cultivating a culture of work-life balance: Provide opportunities for open communication and understanding between employees and management.

2. Offering mental health support programs: Implement educational sessions on stress management and relaxation techniques.

3. Providing flexible work arrangements: Introduce options like flextime or remote work to empower employees in achieving work-life balance.

4. Facilitating employee connections: Establish programs that encourage communication and collaboration among colleagues to alleviate pressure and foster mutual support.

5. Promoting healthy habits: Encourage employees to engage in physical activity and recreational activities outside of work hours.

Al-Buraihi emphasizes that these procedures and policies contribute to a mentally healthy and supportive work environment, ultimately leading to increased employee productivity and personal well-being.

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