Home Previous Issues Mental Health in Yemen Economic Collapse and Rising Unemployment Rates Increase Psychological Distress in Yemen

Economic Collapse and Rising Unemployment Rates Increase Psychological Distress in Yemen

 Ahmed Bajoaim – Sawt Al-Amal (Voice of Hope)

Mental health in Yemen faces tremendous challenges, exacerbated by the ongoing humanitarian and economic crisis that has been plaguing the country for years, leaving devastating effects on the lives and mental health of Yemenis. They are living under intense psychological pressure due to a lack of security and stability, especially financial stability, job losses, and the absence of work opportunities. All of these factors contribute to the increasing rates of mental health problems, threatening the lives of many Yemenis, who may be driven to suicide or commit crimes against themselves or their families.

The economic situation in Yemen has worsened considerably due to the ongoing conflict since 2015, leading to the collapse of the national economy, a significant rise in unemployment rates, a sharp decline in the value of the local currency, and the non-payment of salaries in many sectors. In addition, the prices of essential goods and services have inflated.

All of these factors and more have weighed heavily on Yemeni families, increasing the psychological burdens they face. They find themselves unable to provide for their basic needs, leading to feelings of anxiety, stress, and hopelessness about the future. This problem is exacerbated by the severe shortage of health and mental health centers in Yemen, hindering patients’ access to necessary treatment and psychological support.

The Negative Impacts

Dr. Adnan Al-Qadhi, an academic advisor at the Mental and Nervous Diseases Hospital in Taiz Governorate, confirmed that the interruption of salaries, job losses, skyrocketing prices, and the collapse of the country’s economic situation negatively affect individuals’ mental health.

He pointed out that the negative economic reasons have left individuals unable to meet their basic daily needs for food, drink, clothing, shelter, medical care, and education for their children. This makes them feel incapable of fulfilling these needs, leading to a buildup of negative emotions like anxiety, stress, nervousness, depression, and a loss of hope for the future. The situation worsens as some cases may reach the point of suicidal thoughts as a way to escape the hardships and pressures of life.

Dr. Al-Qadhi, an associate professor in the Department of Psychological Counseling at Taiz University, added, “The psychological pressures many face due to difficult living conditions can lead to ‘psychosomatic’ illnesses, such as high blood pressure, colon ulcers, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and other physical ailments.”

He explained that elevated nervousness levels and lack of sleep negatively impact bodily functions and weaken an individual’s immune system, making them more susceptible to illnesses. Moreover, psychological pressures also affect family relationships, exacerbate family problems, and lead to increased divorce rates.

Mental health expert Tahani Al-Amoodi pointed out that economic crises are a serious threat to the mental health of individuals in Yemen. She explained that these crises lead to a build-up of negative emotions like anxiety and depression, as individuals feel uncertain about their financial future and struggle to meet basic needs.

She added that the constant stress resulting from financial instability negatively affects physical health, increasing the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Economic crises also contribute to a sense of lost value and self-respect, especially when individuals lose their jobs or cannot provide for their families.

Al-Amoodi continued, “The negative economic effects increase the likelihood of developing various mental health conditions, such as social isolation. Individuals experiencing financial pressure tend to withdraw from social life, family, and friends, which intensifies mental problems and exacerbates them. This type of social isolation can be one of the most dangerous psychological effects of economic crises, especially if individuals don’t receive timely and appropriate mental health treatment.”

Effects of Economic Performance

“Mental health is a fundamental pillar for individuals and society. It directly influences all aspects of life. A mentally healthy individual has a sound mind and body, free from psychological and physical stress, which helps them channel their energy positively towards productivity and work, contributing to individual development and progress,” said Dr. Al-Qadhi.

He added, “A society suffering from mental illness, with its psychological and social behaviors, experiences an escalation of social problems, such as violence, crime, and vandalism of public property. These issues hinder progress and threaten stability. Therefore, improvement in a society’s economic level stems from improvement in its mental well-being. The same applies to an individual’s mental health.”

Mental health expert Tahani Al-Amoodi emphasized that individual mental health plays a pivotal role in economic performance at the individual and societal levels. Employees experiencing mental health problems often display decreased productivity and job performance, negatively affecting the overall output of the companies and institutions they work for.

She pointed out that absenteeism or procrastination increases psychological stress, leading to undesirable consequences for both the public and private sectors, and disrupting production processes. Therefore, focusing on the mental health of employees is a necessary investment to boost productivity and economic growth. Generally, mental health problems require medical and therapeutic interventions before they worsen, becoming difficult to treat or requiring lengthy recovery periods, negatively impacting work productivity. This also affects employees who are frequently absent from work. Some institutions may resort to letting them go.

Dealing with Economic Pressures

Dr. Adnan Al-Qadhi believes that individuals face many pressures in life, including psychological, social, and health pressures, but financial pressures are among the most impactful on individuals and society. He suggests that individuals can learn a variety of strategies and skills to deal with financial stress positively and proactively. This includes learning new skills based on current demands to adapt to reality and live with satisfaction.

He adds, “Individuals can enhance their independence by relying on themselves to meet their needs, which helps reduce their dependence on others and lessen the feeling of financial stress. Individuals can also start small businesses to provide an additional source of income that helps improve their financial situation.”

Dr. Al-Qadhi explains that there are many practical strategies individuals can follow to deal with financial pressures effectively. The most important is to avoid waste, which is a major cause of financial stress. Individuals should work towards spending wisely by creating a budget plan for the day, week, and month, and they shouldn’t compare themselves to others financially, which leads to psychological and financial stress. Everyone has their own circumstances when it comes to spending, earning, and contentment with what they have. Individuals should seize opportunities to improve their financial situation for the better.

He adds, “People should avoid reliance on others, whether borrowing money or depending on charity. This makes individuals reliant on others, despite having the personal potential to improve their economic situation in positive ways.”

Economist Omar Ba’abood emphasizes the need for individuals to follow effective strategies to deal with financial pressures that disrupt their calculations and lead to psychological tension, ultimately affecting their mental health. He suggests that one such strategy is financial planning, which involves creating a detailed budget to organize expenses, helping to reduce financial stress and improve spending efficiency.

He points out the importance of detailed financial planning, and organizing monthly income based on necessary needs. This helps improve an individual’s mental state and encourages them to save.

He adds, “There are many ways individuals can streamline their expenses based on their monthly income, helping them eliminate financial stress and enhance their economic capabilities. Unfortunately, many Yemenis waste their monthly income without awareness or planning. This has led to a decline in mental well-being. Excessive spending on “qat” has also contributed to the deterioration of the economic situation, which has affected the mental state.”

Challenges and Recommendations

Dr. Adnan Al-Qadhi, an academic advisor at the Psychiatric and Neurological Hospital in Taiz, says that one of the biggest challenges related to mental health is the stigma associated with it. Many people, despite their difficult mental state, refuse to go to a psychiatrist for fear of being judged or labeled as crazy, which only worsens their condition. This is further compounded by a shortage of mental health professionals and doctors. Despite the increase in cases due to the ongoing conflict, there are only 47 psychiatrists in Yemen. There’s also a lack of specialized mental health centers and hospitals, as well as a lack of centers that offer empowerment training, which can help individuals cope with financial pressures.

Mental health professional Tahani Al-Amoodi points out that the most significant challenge in this regard is fear. People fear acknowledging their mental health problems, which prevents them from seeking help. There’s also a lack of adequate mental health services in some parts of Yemen and complete absence in others. Furthermore, there’s a general lack of awareness about the importance of mental health and how to deal with it properly.

Regarding recommendations, it is crucial to promote awareness campaigns about the importance of mental health, how to maintain it, and how to avoid its negative effects. This includes increasing the number of specialized mental health facilities and centers. It’s also important to support policies that encourage the provision of mental health services and counseling in the workplace, including both the public and private sectors. Conducting research on the impact of mental health on economic performance and productivity, and developing appropriate solutions and proposals, is essential. Finally, improving the financial situation of employees in line with living conditions and creating plans to ensure regular salary payments is vital.

In conclusion, mental health in Yemen remains a growing issue that requires significant attention amidst the rapidly deteriorating economic situation. Achieving economic stability and improving living conditions can significantly contribute to improving the mental health of citizens, benefiting society as a whole and enhancing its ability to recover and rebuild.

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