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Mental Health in Yemen: Motives and Causes Fuel Different Viewpoints

Haneen Al-Wahsh – Sawt Al-Amal (Voice of Hope)

The topic of mental health in Yemen is complex and sensitive, with widely differing societal viewpoints. This has led to minimal awareness and understanding, resulting in tragic consequences for some, unnoticed by all.

Although Yemen is grappling with a profound humanitarian crisis, exacerbated by years of ongoing conflict that has left deep psychological scars on its population, there is a positive sign of hope. Recently, tangible youth-led efforts have emerged, aiming to promote mental health within Yemeni society. These efforts involve organizing numerous awareness campaigns focusing on mental health, utilizing various available platforms, from social media to television programs and educational workshops. According to some mental health professionals, this has contributed to increased acceptance of the concept.

Influences and Motivations

In the waiting room of a hospital, a woman recounts how her daughter suffered from severe anxiety and distress, leading to self-harm. Following a neighbor’s advice, she took her daughter to several psychiatrists, but to no avail. The daughter slept through many of the treatments, yet the negative feelings persisted.  Desperate, the mother took her to a Shaikh for Quranic healing. The Shaikh diagnosed her with the “evil eye,” and she began regular sessions with him until she recovered.

This woman insists that mental illnesses can only be treated through “sessions of remembrance (Dhikr),” while medications cause numerous side effects that negatively impact the patient’s condition in the future.

Dr. Ashgan Al-Fadhli, a sociology professor specializing in psychological support and family counseling, offers a contrasting perspective: “Among the factors contributing to the lack of acceptance regarding mental health and its importance in our lives are insufficient societal awareness, cultural beliefs, and values that influence people’s understanding and interpretation of mental health.” She adds, “The limited and negative societal view associated with mental illnesses in many communities prevents people from seeking help from professionals.”

She continues, “Accessibility to mental health services varies from one community to another, impacting the quality of available care. Additionally, daily events and economic circumstances influence the mental health of individuals and communities.”

Dr. Samiha Ghanim, a psychologist, concurs: “Mental health is a fundamental pillar of an individual’s overall well-being and holds significant importance in various aspects of their life. It empowers them to cope with daily life pressures like work, personal relationships, and general problems.” She adds, “It also improves social relationships, fostering feelings of happiness and satisfaction, and increases productivity in work and studies. Moreover, it stimulates creativity and innovation.”

Dr. Ghanim emphasizes that mental health directly impacts physical health, evidenced by the fact that individuals facing mental health challenges are more susceptible to physical ailments like heart disease and diabetes.

She continues, “Good mental health also encompasses the economic aspect, as individuals with mental health issues experience higher rates of absenteeism from work. Numerous studies indicate that improving mental health leads to substantial economic and social benefits.”

Different Perspectives

According to psychologist Ibrahim Qaid, upbringing, culture, religion, and personal experiences all play a role in shaping public opinion and how people develop their beliefs and attitudes towards mental health. Children raised in supportive and understanding environments may learn that it’s normal to seek help when facing mental health challenges. Conversely, children raised in environments where mental health issues are stigmatized may learn to suppress their feelings and attempt to cope alone.

He adds, “Cultures influence how people understand and interpret mental health. Some cultures view mental health problems as a sign of weakness or failure, while others see them as a normal part of life. Additionally, personal experiences can make individuals more accepting and empathetic toward those facing similar challenges. Therefore, it’s crucial to be open to different viewpoints, regardless of their beliefs or experiences.”

Similarly, psychology student Noor Jalal believes that fear of addiction or medication side effects can deter some individuals from seeking treatment. Others may deny having any mental health issues, delaying their search for help. Additionally, some might lack the necessary social support from family and friends to cope with their mental health challenges.

Treatments and Solutions

Discussing the challenges and factors impacting mental health and its treatment, Dr. Al-Fadhli states, “We must improve access to mental health services by increasing the number of qualified providers and expanding insurance coverage. Additionally, supporting further scientific research to develop more effective treatments and involving communities in efforts to improve mental health are crucial.”

She adds, “Mental health is an integral part of overall health. Therefore, creating communities that value mental health and support individuals facing mental health challenges is essential.”

Ibrahim Qaid emphasizes, “Recognizing the importance of mental health and raising societal awareness can be achieved by organizing awareness campaigns, disseminating information about mental health through media and social media platforms, and encouraging people to speak openly about their mental health challenges and seek help when needed. This will promote a culture of mental health care.”

He continues, “Encouraging open conversations in schools and organizing workshops targeting children of various age groups is vital. Awareness sessions in educational institutions, training centers, and workplaces about the importance of mental health and self-care are also crucial. Developing public policies that support mental health, providing necessary support to individuals in need, and encouraging societal dialogue to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health disorders are equally important.”

The varying levels of public acceptance regarding mental health pose a significant challenge to society. Perspectives on mental health differ greatly from person to person and across social groups. This variation stems from several factors:

Lack of awareness: a significant portion of the population still views mental health issues as signs of weakness or insanity.

Limited access to services: the scarcity of available mental health services in Yemen remains a major obstacle. This lack of access makes it difficult for many to receive professional guidance and treatment, often exacerbating their conditions.

Numerous press reports emphasize the critical need for public awareness campaigns that educate individuals on managing their mental well-being. Achieving this requires a multi-pronged approach. Educational initiatives are essential, including conducting lectures and workshops in schools and workplaces to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to cope with stress and maintain their mental health. Additionally, providing access to support programs like counseling and stress management is crucial.

In addition to fostering supportive environments, collaborative efforts are essential to cultivate healthy and supportive environments for all community members. This includes working to reduce stressors and promoting open communication. Combating stigma is also crucial.  Launching public awareness campaigns in collaboration with community organizations can help disseminate accurate information about mental health and dismantle the pervasive social stigma associated with it.

The reports also mentioned that using arts and culture for mental health awareness – in various mediums such theater, cinema, and music – can be highly effective in raising awareness about mental health. These forms of expression can communicate the message in a more engaging and impactful way.

Additionally, investing in scientific research in mental health is crucial for deepening our understanding of mental health challenges and developing new and more effective treatments.  Disseminating research findings to the public can help raise awareness about the importance of mental health and provide access to reliable information.

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